Midnight Oil...

So, it seems i have been burning the midnight oil as of late. There are just so many images that I have to process and work through I can barely take the time to hang one on the wall and take a step back and critique all of this art it seems I am creating. I guess blogging is as good a wall as any to hang my art.

Last week I shot pictures for my friend's clothing company One Truth. Jeremy was in a bit of a rush to get the catalogue designed before he heads off to some music festivals on the East coast... i think this weekend. We gathered some of our friends together (moonlight models) and headed down the street from my print lab for some quick shots so that he could get his catalogue finished on time.

I am pretty excited about a lot of Jeremy's new designs. They are fresh and creative. The shirt with Africa and the stenciled word 'HOPE' is a 'Invisible Children' tribute that my friend Melanie created. And my friend Seth is seen here modeling a shirt that he recently designed with the words 'long live love' about the miracle that God can make beauty come from the ashes of our lives.

As we were finishing up in the cemetery we met a man who asked us to hustle so that he could lock the gate. So, Jeremy asks him if we could shoot a couple pictures with his car. It ended up being really cool and he was especially excited that his car was appearing in a catalogue shoot with the 'Barnes and Noble Tattoo Girl' (our friend Karen). I am actually enlarging a 20x30 shot of his car solo with a sweet ray of sunshine pouring over the hood for him. I am just stoked to have something enlarged and on someone else's wall. Thanks Kevin for being willing to share your beautiful car with us and to hold open the gate for a few more minutes. You rock!

Check out the rest of the shots here: One Truth