WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR? Photo Project {Meet Gladys}

Gladys is the bees knees.

 San Luis Obispo, photographs of Gladys taken by Cameron Ingalls
This lovely treasure caught my eye this morning as I scooted past her waiting at crosswalk. The purple sunglasses and outfit to match screamed for my attention. I circled around the block having some inner-dialogue about how I just had to pull over and photograph her. It would have been so easy to keep on going with my day; business as usual. I would have missed out on meeting a beautiful soul.

As I came back around the block I found Gladys knocking on the door of an empty church. I pulled my scooter onto the curb and asked her how she was doing. Turns out she was looking for some assistance in finding someplace to live. I explained my photography project to her and requested her permission to take her picture. I told her just how much I loved her purple glasses! She was tickled and graciously modeled for me. She says “Even when you get to 84 you still like to have fun!”

“However, looking for a home isn’t fun” she admitted.

Then I offered her a little help. I walked her into the church office to find out if they could connect her with a program to help her find housing. Currently she is sleeping in her son’s armchair waiting on an apartment. The church had nothing for her so we walked out with as much as we walked in with. Ironic. The Bible declares that pure and undefiled religion is this; taking care of widows and orphans. Yet this hundred year old church offered nothing -not even a referral for an old lady down on her luck. My heart grew heavy as I realized I didn’t have anything for her as well. Here I am on my way to work, taking her picture, with nothing to give in return. As I step out of my comfort zone to pursue this project my eyes are opening to the ever present need around me. I am realizing why we (people) tend stick to ourselves. We aren’t prepared on any random day to help an old lady find an apartment.

We said our goodbyes and Gladys told me she really likes photographers and that I am a nice man. ;) I whispered a little prayer for her and scooted off wishing I could have done something.

 San Luis Obispo, photographs of Gladys taken by Cameron Ingalls
 San Luis Obispo, photographs of Gladys taken by Cameron Ingalls
 San Luis Obispo, photographs of Gladys taken by Cameron Ingalls
